Dear friends, just few days ago I’ve arrived back to Nairobi, Kenya after witnessing the power of God in Islamic Republic of Pakistan for 3 weeks. For two weeks I preached in Lahore and 3rd week I spent in Karachi. In Karachi with the help of God we declared Gospel of Jesus to about 36.000 people during 4 days of Friendship Festival. We experienced mighty move of God with Gospel being confirmed by great signs, wonders and miracles. Every day at the football stadium everyone would respond to salvation call. But the most wonderful fact that there were many Muslim people who came to hear about the love of Jesus. About 6.000 people called on Jesus who have never had faith in Jesus as the Lord before. Majority of those people are of Muslim background.
I was met in airport by my Pakistani friend Sarfraz William who has great experience in massive evangelism in Pakistan. He shared with me about how tremendous is work done by the Christian people in preparing the Friendship Festival in Karachi. Without wasting any time I asked him to go right to the ground from airport. It was very vital to see people who put so much effort in making the festival possible and about to continue helping for 4 more days during the Festival. We were very excited meeting the committee of pastors and bishops who took charge over arranging the festival. Remember that without local church big Gospel events are impossible. Gospel preachers and churches are always working together. I always have this joy to meet excited Christian ministers who dedicating themselves to see lost souls coming to Jesus. Then we gathered right on the stadium ground with all workers, they were about 250 people. It really touched my heart seeing those people working so hard to make Festival happened. I shared with them how God did many miracles in Lahore few days prior to my coming to Karachi. Then I declared that the same is going to happen in Malir, Karachi right on this football ground. Oh, people got so excited! They were extremely grateful for me coming to meet them right after my arrival to airport.
Well, if some of you not aware Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan and one of the most dangerous. Just few days prior to the meeting one man exploded himself killing 4 and injuring 18 people right in the same district we had the Festival. The morning of the first day when I was about to preach I read in newspaper that about 10 people got killed last night in terror attacks. It sounded like impossible for me. Many times I’m just wondering who would go to preach to Pakistan, I always have the same answer, anyone who touched by the love of Jesus! Then another surprise was that just few days before the festival my friend Dmitry Makarenko who supposed to preach 2nd and the last day got stolen all money and documents in France. I would rather not comment anything on that. It was kind of feeling that all hell is against us. During just 5 days included weekend Dmitry Makarenko managed to get a new passport and Pakistani visa. When God orders something - impossible becomes possible!
The very first day of the festival came with the showers of rain and some storm all over Karachi. Imagine high iron poll with 6 lights fell down and 9 meters wooden video tower fell down as well completely got broken. It happened just few hours before the preaching time of the very first day! Those are kind of moments when you have to completely rely on the grace of God. Miraculously rain stopped when I start preaching, but I saw there were many carpets rolling all over the field due to storm. Only about 3.000 people came that night. Many refused to come due to rain and storms. So it was my turn to let Jesus do His thing and allow grace of God to flow. I didn’t have anything to lose and made a statement that book of Muslims Quran said that Jesus Christ opened blind eyes and deaf ears. I declared that the same going to happen in Malir, Karachi tonight! The first night was not easy, but the ice was broken. When people with testimonies started to come to the platform people got excited and the glory of Jesus covered the field. There were few people partly blind, one boy said he could not see on one eye and another eye was very bad, he had a problem to cross the road, but Jesus healed him that night. Few more people were partly deaf and testified that Jesus opened their ears. It was some more great testimonies of disappeared tumor and healing of pains. So with all those great challenges first night was very successful. On the second night the crowd got bigger almost 3 times. The rumors of miracles taking place at the festival brought about 8.000 people. I wish everyone could have that feeling. I still feel that glory of Jesus on me. There were many women in Muslim closed outfit coming right to the platform. When I asked who want to receive new life and forgiveness of sins in Jesus, all people in the crowd just raised hands. WOW! It was a moment of glory of Jesus! Countless number of miracles! There were so many partly blind and deaf healed, one woman was completely deaf for 4 years, but Jesus opened deaf ears. The tumors were removed. One child could not move hand because of sickness, but started to move hand for the first time. That night was special anointing on healing people who were paralyzed after stroke. There were two people who were brought to the festival by the children or friends. Half and partly paralyzed they were not able to walk for years. But for the first time they were walking on the platform. One woman testified that due to sickness could not open mouth and speak, but was healed and speaking again! It was a powerful testimony of Muslim lady who came with her father to testify that was freed by Jesus from evil spirits. There were many delivered from demons. I was able to take about 30 testimonies and had to leave. It was already 11.30 at night. Right before I left there was a Muslim lady completely covered in a black outfit brought to the platform, she wanted a prayer. When I laid my hand upon here I saw tears streaming down her chick. Those were the moments, Holy Ghost in action. What I didn’t know that during the same time when I was preaching a plane got crushed near Islamabad killing 122 people. I got to know about next morning.
The same night Dmitry Makarenko arrived to Karachi, almost late, but God allowed him to come on time and he preached next 2 days of the Festival. During the Festival we had 2 days pastors’ conference in the morning. I was teaching on grace and love covenant between God and Jesus. And that we included in that covenant, Jesus gets the glory because He has paid the price, but we get the blessing. And Dmitry Makarenko taught on Holy Spirit and its work in the life of believers. The last 2 days of the Festival were very powerful full of glory of God and sings and wonders. However due to plane crush the 3rd day was not as big as expected, about 10.000 people came. But the last day we had about 15.000 people in attendance. We had crutches and empty wheel chairs on the platform. Many people testified of being healed. We had 2 girls born blind started to see, few deaf and mute started hearing and trying to speak for the first time. We managed to leave only about 12.30 am. But people left only at 2 am. The spiritual hunger was so obvious; there were so many Muslim people who came to hear about love and power of Jesus.
In few days secular Muslim newspapers wrote criticizing us that about 3.000 Muslims got converted to Christianity. I would disagree with this statement. I don’t convert people from one religion to other. There are too many religions in the world. I simply share the love of God without discrimination being revealed in Jesus. And new life full of joy and happiness. Those 3.000 Muslims just could not reject that powerful combination.
I want to thank Pakistani churches for making it possible and everyone who stood up with us in Islamic Republic of Pakistan. With grace of Jesus it would not be possible…
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