Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How To Begin Your Christian Life, by William MacDonald

Cover ImageHow to Begin Your Christian Life' is an introduction to the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. Designed to help you find out for yourself what kind of relationship you have with God, the simple steps outlined here challenge you to make the most important decision of your life. Biblical, specific, and practical, this book answers the difficult questions many people ask by simply outlining the steps that lead to a life of faith-all from the Scriptures themselves. By reading this book and referring to the Bible, you can learn for yourself about: the miracle of new birth, the problem of separation from worldliness, the finished redemption from sin, the way of salvation, faith and repentance, the Christian's state and standing before God, the great choice, the need for a new life, Christ's substitutionary atonement from sin, God's amazing grace, facts versus feeling, the assurance of faith. The topics include virtually everything involved in making a well-informed decision about entering into a personal relationship with God. Already a bestseller for many years, 'How to Begin Your Christian Life' was originally written by William MacDonald of the Moody Bible Institute.;It has been updated by the staff of Moody Bible Institute, who also provide a follow-up book on 'How To Grow In Your Christian Life'..

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